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The Risks of Not Winterizing Your RV.

Last updated: 10 October 2023

An RV is both a vehicle AND a house all wrapped up in one wonderful, fun-filled adventuring package. With this in mind, it’s doubly important to make sure your recreational vehicle is ready for harsher climates each year, and with very good reason. 

Some people may scoff at the idea of winterizing your RV, claiming it to be a waste of money and that their RV doesn’t need it. 

Like anything else, RV’s experience a certain amount of wear as time goes on. By winterizing your RV, you’re giving it an extra layer of protection against the winter elements. This in turn will help ensure the value of your RV is maintained and you’ll be far less likely to discover a swimming pool in your RV bedroom after your pipes burst during a particularly cold winter. 

Here are the risks you run by not winterizing your RV: 

1) Broken Pipes
As mentioned above, RVs are not built to maintain an indoor swimming pool. Water pipes in particular are highly susceptible to damage during the winter season as liquid freezes and expands. 

2) Power Failure
Batteries can stand up to a lot of things these days, but cold weather still proves to be a challenge. Batteries can easily become corrupted in low temperatures. On top of that, cold weather can affect cell integrity and it’s easy to drop a charge during a nasty winter season.

3) A Holey RV 
If your RV is a few years old, you might notice the occasional crack in your exterior. During winter months, these cracks can fill with water, freeze, and expand, causing your RV walling to become compromised. 

4) Bacteria and Mildew
If your RV isn’t properly winterized, fabric in your RV or on your awnings can become damp and, if not properly protected and kept dry, can begin to rot. This causes mildew and bacteria to build up in your RV. 

5) As If You Needed Another Reason . . . $$$
Your RV is an investment and you want to maintain it in such a way that it continues to hold a high value. One day you might want to trade it in for a new model (Rosman RV gives the best trade-in rates around . . . shameless plug 😉 By winterizing your RV each season, you’re protecting your investment and saving yourself money on future repairs. 

What are you waiting for? Call the Rosman RV Service Department and schedule your RV for winterization! – 250-545-1611

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