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The 7 Very Best Road Trip Snacks.

Last updated: 21 September 2023

The open road lies before you, miles of highway to reach your camping destination, but there’s an emptiness! And it’s in your stomach. Easy solution: BRING SNACKS! Road trip snacks are an essential part of any road trip and everyone has their favourites, but we’ve compiled a short list of some of our favourites, and a few interesting ones you may never have thought about.

1) Granola Trail Mix

We’ll start with a classic favourite because it’s just so easy to mix and match whatever you want to include. A fun game is to start with a base mix (granola, nuts, etc.) and then let everyone pick one ingredient to add to the mix (mini marshmallows, pretzels, M&Ms, etc.)

2) Banana Split Swirl Energy Bites

Sweet, savoury, and packed with protein! These energy bites are the perfect combination, packed with banana, cashews, dates, and dried fruits. They’re a great solution for keeping people full for longer periods of time.

3) Cheesy Vegan Kale Chips

For the uber health conscious, there’s always kale which, granted, by itself is not always the most well received treat. But if you cook it and add nutritional yeast, you get a healthy snack that’s even useful for tricking kids into eating their veg.

4) Roasted Honey Dijon Pecans

Need to stay awake while driving? This tasty treat is a great solution as it’s packed full of energy thanks to the pecans. But instead of just pecans, it’s got a sweet and spicy twist!

5) Chocolate Funfetti Puppy Chow

Not everything has to be super healthy. Case in point, these sweet, finger-licking-good, chocolate funfetti puppy chow bites. To be clear, not for dogs. Humans only.

6) Strawberry Lover’s Snack Mix

It’s a strawberryplosion! If you don’t like strawberries, you’ll want to give this a miss. But if you do, well you’re in for a treat. This snack combines freeze dried strawberries, with chocolate dipped strawberries, with pretzels dipping in strawberry chocolate.

7) Quick and Easy Popcorn Balls

Caramel peanut butter apricots chocolate = a wonderfully delicious little treat that’s good for roadtrips, the park, an at-work snack, in bed . . . anywhere really.

Happy snacking!


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